October 19, 2023

11 Best WhatsApp Marketing Campaigns to Get Inspired From

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Best WhatsApp Marketing Campaigns

A WhatsApp message can do more wonders than you can probably think. With a current conversion rate of 45% to 60%, WhatsApp is surely creating wonders in the world of marketing.

Marketing legends say that the best WhatsApp marketing campaigns are ones that do not feel like marketing and have a personal touch to them.

Some of the globally renowned brands have successfully curated such campaigns to not only attract more customers but also retain the existing ones.

Through this blog, let us dive deeper into some of the best WhatsApp marketing campaigns that created a milestone.

11 Impactful WhatsApp Marketing Campaigns That Were a Massive Success

Here are the globally popular, fabulously curated, and fantastically executed WhatsApp marketing campaigns that reigned the hearts of customers and extended their realms to much more than merely product-selling tools:

1. Unilever: I Will Bring You Back Your Beloved Clothes Campaign

Unilever: I Will Bring You Back Your Beloved Clothes Campaign

With a brand portfolio encompassing over 400 products to date, Unilever is indeed one of the most promising consumer goods companies in the globe right now.

They have launched and conducted several WhatsApp marketing campaigns to date, but the one that literally stole the limelight was the “I Will Bring Back Your Beloved Clothes” campaign to launch a new Fabric Softener called “Comfort.” This campaign was particularly targeted at the country Brazil and used the unique WhatsApp marketing approach for the same. 

The city of Sao Paulo was filled with Billboards advertising the campaign name with a WhatsApp number. When potential users message on the same WhatsApp number, a chatbot sends them unique tips to care for their clothes.

The CTA of the campaign included a fabulous deal of 50% off on their first purchase and free shipping. Over 12k customers participated in this campaign, and the sales of Comfort increased by almost 14 times. 

2. Netflix Product Retention Campaign: Stay in Touch

Netflix Product Retention Campaign: Stay in Touch

While most brands focus primarily on Product acquisition, Netflix came up with something different - it shifted the spotlight to user retention instead. Netflix has literally paved a benchmark for all the subscription model-based businesses to look up to.

The famous Netflix campaign “I Am In”, which was launched in 2019, aimed at reconnecting with the subscribers who are inactive or have recently churned out. 

Netflix, with the help of WhatsApp, sent some great Netflix movies and show recommendations to touch inactive users. It also included some announcements, notifications, and favorite suggestions.

Something that is truly inspirational in this campaign is that - it did not use any complex AI mechanism. It is just a simple WhatsApp newsletter crafted with exceptional creativity.

And boom, it could bridge the gap between the brand and clients and even bring back a great deal of inactive users to re-subscribe to the channel. 

3. Flipkart Big Billion Days: Sales Promotion Campaign

Flipkart Big Billion Days: Sales Promotion Campaign

The Flipkart Personal Shopper is a game changer in the e-commerce industry. This creative campaign, popular among customers as “Big Billion Days,” is specially curated to reach the customers in the most memorable fashion.

The Big Billion Days campaign involves a unique chatbot that helps the customers connect with the Big B of Bollywood. The fantastic and tremendous offers that this campaign offers are one of a kind.

The revolutionary concept of using emojis to initiate a search is another unique sales point. Indian customers wait the year for this fabulous Big Billion Days Offer, and to spice it up more, Flipkart has introduced fun activities and multiple mini-games.

To further increase the acceptability of the campaign, it was also launched in Hindi and English. 

4. Lenskart: Seasonal Sales Offer

Lenskart: Seasonal Sales Offer

Lenskart is truly doing a great job in terms of brand awareness as well as product sales. In 2022, Lenskart, the popular eyewear brand, turned into WhatsApp marketing, and their all-time popular Buy One Get One led to mesmerizing effects.

Along with such conventional offers, the brand also sets forth great cash-back offers for ardent and loyal customers.

The campaign was designed simply without the intervention of any complex bot. The customers only had to click on the link provided in the message, and they could avail of the discount.

The overall low costs of such promotion, especially when compared to conventional advertisement, is a boon. WhatsApp promotional messages also have a great open rate when compared to other communication channels. 

5. Customer Success Story of Saffola

Saffola is much more than just any other edible oil brand. The name of the brand is now associated with health and wellness. Saffola is one of the very few brands in India that has made maximum use of WhatsApp marketing campaigns, and that too consistently. The antioxidants infused in the oil help to improve the immunity of the consumers.

Saffola wanted to precisely pinpoint this health factor to establish and consolidate a base of trust among the users. The most popular campaign of the brand was “Beat the Crave”. Since unhealthy food is mostly based around food prepared with excessive oil and all of us almost carry out an eternal struggle to fight the unhealthy food craving, Saffola literally caught the nerves of the users. 

The campaign was designed in the most interesting way. The customers had to sign up on the Saffola website by entering their WhatsApp number. This would give them access to a digital library sort of setup called “Digital Audio Buddy '' that would guide them to stay away from unhealthy food and also give them access to a healthy personal trainer.

Through tools like positively reinforcing videos or nutritional advice, the subscribers could maintain their health. The campaign turned out to be a big success, with over 6,000 WhatsApp subscribers and a net increase in sales of over 483%. 

6. Absolut Vodka: Doormat at the Party Campaign

If you are a Vodka lover, there is no way that you have not yet sipped the premium Absolut Vodka. This leading brand of Vodka curated in South Sweden is known for its innovative marketing strategies as well as the Vodka they make.

When the brand decided to launch one of its limited edition premium Vodka in Argentina, it wanted to make the WhatsApp marketing campaign more conversational than traditional, which they generally are. They put out the marketing bait - A celebrity party would be organized, and the functional doorkeeper of the party would be Sven. 

The customers will connect to Sven on WhatsApp through “Unique Access,” and if they become the winners, they will win two tickets to the celebrity party. The users could be convinced by sending photos, songs, and even videos. This was a stupendous social media buzz for the company.

The brand received over 1,000 message entries on WhatsApp, and guess what? They even gathered more than 600 WhatsApp contacts that they could use as the clientele base for future campaigns. 

7. Hellman's - What's Cook Campaign

Hellman's - What's Cook Campaign

The name Hellman has become synonymous with Mayonnaise. The user base of Hellman clearly reflects that their leading product is Mayonnaise, and it is used as a condiment by 90% of users. Hellman wanted to break this stereotype and promote the fact that the Mayonnaise from the brand could also be used for cooking and not simply as a condiment.

The insights that drove the brand into launching this campaign were - most people do not know how to cook with Mayonnaise or couple it with the ingredients that they already have at home. The campaign was launched in the mode of some conversational recipe services where the customers would be connected in real-time to the chefs through WhatsApp.

All that the customers had to do was register themselves with their WhatsApp number on the Hellman official website. The chefs would guide them on how to curate the most delectable dishes with Hellman's Mayonnaise and the simple ingredients available at home.

It was a fantastically yielding campaign, and the overall registration was more than 13000. The WhatsCook campaign initially waved the flag in Brazil, followed by a subsequent rolling in several other countries.

8. Marie Light: Tea Time Selfie Campaign

Marie Light: Tea Time Selfie Campaign

Who doesn’t like to participate in the selfie campaigns? We all love clicking selfies, and it gets even better when you pose with your favorite products at hand. Sunfeast Marie Light, through this unique campaign, increased the sales of their multifold products.

In this contest, the users had to send their Tea time selfie with Sunfeast Marie Light to the WhatsApp number of Sunfeast, and the winner of the contest would get a 42-inch LED TV as a gift. This opened up a new marketing channel for ITC, increasing their sales.

Also, the company got access to a huge database of user’s WhatsApp numbers that they could use in the future to create better one-to-one connections with clients. 

9. Maggi Germany: Chef in Your Kitchen Campaign

Maggi Germany: Chef in Your Kitchen Campaign

Who doesn’t know Maggi? But the brand wanted to make its entry into the daily lives of people, where it becomes more than just another noodle and condiments brand, instead extending its branches into the lives of common people as an emotion.

Maggi created a skillfully designed virtual cooking curriculum on WhatsApp. The idea was to promote the use of Maggi by supporting the users on their culinary journey.

Through WhatsApp marketing campaigns, users could get access to some of the best recipes and create great food dishes in just a few steps. It was facilitated by a virtual assistant on WhatsApp who offered a step-by-step guide to the users to enhance their cooking techniques.

It was a 3 months long campaign, and over 2,00,000 messages were sent out just in the first eight weeks of the campaign. The campaign awareness also reflected a crazy 3-point lift, which is an overall boost for the business. 

10. KLM Flight Alerts

KLM Flight Alerts

Can you imagine how a simple flight alert system can actively boost the sales of a company and turn out to be the most vigorous WhatsApp marketing campaign ever? Yes, you got that right - it was done by the Royal Dutch Airline Company - KLM.

The company used the emotional pain point of the flight passenger’s relatives. Whenever any near and dear ones fly, their family and friends are always worried about their safety.

The brand used a WhatsApp marketing campaign to inform the passenger’s friends and dear ones about their flight information. On booking the tickets with this flight company, the customers would get all the flight alerts and details on their registered WhatsApp number.

Not only the passengers but even their family members would receive the same message. The family members were also provided with real-time flight updates. In this way, not only did the brand successfully manage to retain the clients, but it also created a whole base of new potential clients.

11. ADAC Don't Call Mom Campaign

ADAC Don't Call Mom Campaign

ADAC - The well-known automobile club of Germany is into business for offering the best roadside assistance to its user panel.

ADAC was facing a particular issue in its client base. They observed their clientele demographics reflected a pattern - only the older generation related to their services (the age group that actually owned a car), while they did not have many younger clients.

The brand, however, wanted to popularize its services among the younger generation and resorted to this unique “Don’t Call Mom Call ADAC” WhatsApp marketing campaign. 

They actually opened up a WhatsApp hotline where youngsters could put forward various queries like “How to get over a heartbreak” - the types of questions they won’t be comfortable asking their mom. It was a 6-week long campaign where experts and even social media influencers answered the queries of the youngsters.

There was a huge social media buzz around it, with over 140000 messages and even more than 20 million impressions on the video curated for the campaign. 

How to Create an Effective WhatsApp Marketing Campaign Using Sendwo?

How to Create an Effective WhatsApp Marketing Campaign Using Sendwo?

When it comes to brand interactions, WhatsApp marketing campaigns can be an awesome tool. It is one of the best innovative ways to replace the traditional customer communication of the brands and help achieve the goals of the brand in terms of new customer acquisition and old customer retention. A WhatsApp marketing campaign is a drive or strategy that speeds up communication, boosts customer satisfaction, and enhances engagement rate.

One of the most important premises of WhatsApp marketing campaigns is sending bulk WhatsApp messages to customers. The brands curate a perfect WhatsApp marketing message for the customers (one that can potentially lead to conversions) and forward it to the customers - in thousands or millions. With WhatsApp Business,  brands cannot send more than 1,000 messages per day. However, their target audience volume may be much more than that. 

Now that you have already come across some fabulous examples of effective WhatsApp marketing campaigns, you must be tempted to curate one for your own brand. The best way to do so is using official WhatsApp Business API by Meta. One might presume that the WhatsApp Business API is a perfect tool for this one - but to your surprise, the perfect tool does not exist because this API by Meta is going to actually cost you much. 

To mitigate the huge burden of expenses, you can switch over to the unofficial WhatsApp Business API, but even with that, there are several risks of getting banned if you can’t get it done right. Then what is the solution?

The easiest way to get around is by using a reputed tool like Sendwo. We offer services for both - official as well as unofficial WhatsApp Business API. Once you have the API registered, you can start creating WhatsApp marketing campaigns for your brand.

Sending bulk WhatsApp messages using Sendwo

Here are the steps to use Sendwo for creating a WhatsApp marketing campaign and sending bulk messages to your customers:

  1. Launch Sendwo via PC/laptop.
  2. Type in your access token and WhatsApp Business Account ID. 
  3. Add the marketing message to the message template. 
  4. Submit the message template for approval via WhatsApp.
  5. Once you receive the approval, move to Campaigns.
  6. Next, create a campaign by adding your marketing message and the necessary information. 
  7. Next, add your contact list. 
  8. Set a time for delivering the messages, and presto! You're done. Sit back and watch as Sendwo sends your messages to your target audience at the scheduled time.

When using the official WhatsApp Business API, you will have to obtain approval for the message template via the WhatsApp Manager Dashboard. Alternatively, you can also create the WhatsApp message template inside Sendwo and request Meta’s approval. However, if you're using an unauthorized API, you can send your messages instantly. You do not have to wait for WhatsApp to approve your message. 

It is possible to send unlimited business messages through the WhatsApp Business API. But, you would need a third-party application like Sendwo to help the business owners send and set up the interface.

Sign up on Sendwo API-based WhatsApp marketing software to send WhatsApp Marketing Messages in bulk.

If you're struggling to set up WhatsApp Business API and link to Sendwo, then you must check out this guide.

Wrapping It Up

Whether launching new products, reaching out to new customers, or retaining old ones, WhatsApp marketing campaigns are one of the best ways to reach out to customers on a personal and individual level. WhatsApp marketing campaigns also aim at maintaining brand authenticity and building long-term relationships with clients.

With proactive interaction and engagement with potential clients, WhatsApp marketing campaigns can skyrocket sales through innovative ways. Potential and highly functional tools like Sendwo help create effective WhatsApp marketing campaigns and float them across a wide audience base. With minimum effort and smart work by trusted tools like Sendwo, give the much-needed thrust to your business. 

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